You make the difference
you bring hope to those in need!
Through fundraising Bahamas Hope Challenge participants help Bahamians who are fighting cancer and fund programs that can reduce late stage diagnoses, especially for women in our Family Islands.
Participants are required to raise $500 ($250 for youth) and 100% of all the money participants raise goes to programs -- not overhead or administrative expenses.
Diagnostic imaging and treatment protocols are very expensive and place a huge burden on patients and their families and loved ones.
Our challenge and hope is to raise as much money as possible so we can help more and more people in need. You can -- and are! -- making a huge difference. Thank you!
“The joy of giving leads to a happier, healthier life. In fact, generosity sets off a series of reactions in your brain that improves mood, reduces stress, boosts overall physical health, builds self-esteem, and even helps you live longer!”
The Joy of Giving
Fundraising for a worthy cause is uplifting and rewarding. It does not have be daunting. First of all, think big! Tell your friends and family about the event, what your fundraising goal is, and why. Don’t undersell yourself or our critical cause. Stretch yourself out of your comfort zone. Even if you don’t hit your goal, you will end up raising more money, as everyone will take your fundraising efforts more seriously. Everyone wants to be a part of something big.
Take a look at our VIP Fundraising Incentives below. With a little bit of effort, you can be one of our VIPs!
We have set a goal for 2023 to increase the average amount participants raise to $1800. Why not adopt that as your goal! Practical tips are below. Let’s help more Bahamians in need!

Be authentic. Share your excitement about participating. Share your passion about helping the many, many Bahamians in need! Be inspiring and inspirational.
- Share your goal as soon as possible! Send out messages on your social media accounts and via email.
- Post regular updates all the way up to the event. This way you can share your personal progress with your friends, family, and supporters.
- At the event, capture your RFH experience with photos and in words and share those on social media afterwards. Your friends certainly will be moved to see and hear about your experience.
- Don’t forget to thank everyone who supported you and helped you make it to your goal.
- Talk to your employer and your professional network about matching your fundraising. Let them know what you are doing over RFH weekend. Build enthusiasm. Confidence is always contagious!
- Ask your family and friends, your employer, fellow employees, your professional network to sponsor you for every mile you ride or run.
- Host friends at your house for lunch, dinner or whatever works for you. Tell them in person what your goal is and invite them to be part of something special.
Donate to
Donate to
Bahamas Hope Challenge
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Every donation matters.
Please consider supporting us!
To make a general donation to BHC, please see the Donate to link above (left). To support a participant or team, use the link above (right). 100% of every donation goes to support our flagship programs
For USD wire donations please use instructions below.
All USD donations to Bahamas Hope Foundation are US tax deductible per the Foundation's IRS 501(c)3 status.
Bank: Citibank N.A., New York
Routing number: 021000089
FBO: Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Account number: 4055-3953
Bank address: 399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022
For further credit to: Bahamas Hope Foundation, Inc. #7720-2885
Bank: Citibank N.A., New York
FBO: Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Account number: 4060-7595
Bank address: 111 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005
For further credit to: Bahamas Hope Foundation, Inc. #7720-2885